Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are followers of civilization and are considered classical parasites.

Appearance and characteristics of bed bugs

The bed bug (Latin name: Cimex lectularius) is a reddish-brown, flightless bug from the family Cimicidae.

During the day, bed bugs hide in dry, dark, and protected places such as crevices, cracks, or in clothing and mattress folds. As adults, they can reach a body length of about 4.5 to 8 mm. The larvae are straw-yellow or transparent and are usually only recognizable by professionals. They are dependent on feeding on humans or animals and can therefore only exist in human settlements, which is why they are considered a human-made pest.

To avoid bed bugs, one should inspect suspicious areas and act quickly in case of an infestation, for example, through professional cleaning and expert treatment.

Danger from bed bugs

Bed bugs are small, flat insects that live in beds and other furniture, and are active at night.

They feed on blood, usually human blood. While bed bugs do not pose a direct threat to human health, their bites can cause itching and allergic reactions.

However, it is important to get rid of them quickly as they can reproduce very rapidly. Bed bugs are attracted to human CO2 emissions, body heat, and human scent. They then search for suitable biting sites on the human body, often leaving multiple bites in a straight line, known as a "bed bug trail." A single bite is not usually felt, and symptoms may not appear until several days later. Bed bugs inject saliva when they bite, which causes itching and welts at the site of the bite. After feeding, they retreat to their hiding places, molt their skin, and reproduce.

During their approximately six-month lifespan, a female bed bug can lay up to 150 eggs. They typically attempt to feed on blood at least once a week and remain near their host at all times.

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