Our mission is your satisfaction. We attach great importance to high-quality pest control with the most effective state-of-the-art solutions.
Appearance and characteristics of mice
Some keep them as cute pets. Most are disgusted by mice. Rightly so, because the brown-grey balls of fur can grow up to 10 cm long and are not really tame animals to pet.
Danger from mice
The rodents destroy walls, beams and objects in the house and garden. They are also a threat to human health, as pathogenic viruses are transmitted through their faeces, urine and saliva. In dangerous situations, they bite, which can lead to blood poisoning and serious infections. Therefore: Stay away from cheap mouse traps. Rodents must be removed professionally - for your safety and permanent freedom from pests.
The rodents destroy walls, beams and objects in the house and garden. They are also a threat to human health because of their feces.