
The common wasp and the German wasp have given wasps a bad reputation overall. The wasps sting as soon as they feel threatened or their nest is threatened.

It is therefore essential to avoid fast and violent movements!

Appearance and characteristics of wasps

Vespula is a genus of the true wasp family found worldwide. There are several species within the genus, including the German wasp (Vespula germanica) and the common wasp (vespula vulgaris).

These wasps are social insects and live in collective communities with a queen and workers. They build their nests out of paper and plant fibers and feed on nectar, honey and insects, and are largely predatory by killing other insects. Wasps also pollinate flowers and even eat smaller pests.

Most species are short-lived and disappear again from the end of August. The fertilized queen hibernates sheltered in cracks, woodpiles and other shelters. In a kind of cold rigidity with a very reduced metabolism, she is waiting for spring.

Danger from wasps

The wasps sting as soon as they feel threatened or their nest is threatened. It is therefore essential to avoid fast and violent movements! It is also not recommended to blow the animals away, as the carbon dioxide in the breath is perceived as an alarm signal in the wasps' nest.

When wasps sting, an alarm pheromone is released, which attracts other wasps and can thus lead to further stings. Unlike bees, the stinger has no barbs, so wasps can sting multiple times and then not die like bees.
In general, it is important to leave the place of immediate danger immediately!

A wasp sting can trigger allergic reactions in sensitive people, leading to difficulty breathing or even shock, which has claimed some lives. It is therefore strongly recommended to avoid their nests and to treat wasps and hornets with care.

Once stung, pressing a halved onion onto the sting will help. The essential oils and the evaporative cooling reduce the pain and swelling to some extent.

We designate two species of wasps as disruptive and sometimes dangerous. First, the common wasp, which can be found in gardens, parks, and forests, where it frequently encounters humans in search of food.

Then the German wasp, a larger species of wasp found in Europe and Asia. Whoever enjoys fruit cake, juice and ice cream outside, attracts the wasps with the sweet dishes. Both species threaten humans outdoors and indoors, pouncing on their food and therefore disturbing humans in their natural habitat.

We are happy to advise you.


Silverfish & Booklice

Although silverfish and booklice are annoying, they usually do not pose a threat to humans.

Appearance and Characteristics of Silverfish & Booklice

Silverfish have an elongated, shiny silver shape and move very quickly.

Paperfish are oval in shape and slightly larger than silverfish.

Both species have wings but cannot fly and are about 1-1.5 cm long. The insects are nocturnal and therefore prefer dark, damp rooms. Silverfish lay eggs from which the larvae hatch. The larvae go through several developmental stages before maturing into adult insects.

Danger from silver & booklice

They feed on paper and starch, so they can cause damage to books, clothing, or food. However, they are unlikely to pose a direct health hazard!

You often meet silverfish in the bathroom or in the basement because they like to stay in damp rooms.

You often meet silverfish in the bathroom or in the basement because they like to stay in damp rooms.

Also, do not allow moisture to build up, as these insects prefer moisture. Therefore, check water pipes and seals regularly to identify and repair leaks. For proper eradication of these pests, it is advisable to consult a professional pest controller.

We are happy to advise you.



The cockroach is rightly considered one of the most disgusting insect species!

It belongs to the group of hygiene and storage pests and can quickly become an unpleasant nuisance due to its rapid reproduction.

Appearance and characteristics of cockroaches

Around 3,500 cockroach species are known worldwide, most of which occur in the tropics and subtropics. Cockroaches have been found as fossils millions of years old and encased in amber. Experts estimate that cockroaches are between 350 and 400 million years old.

Here in Germany, we concentrate on the majority of the German, Oriental, American and brown-banded cockroaches as hygiene and storage pests.

It is usually introduced here through food packaging, used electrical goods, the neighborhood or luggage. Starting from a heavily frequented source of infestation, it can spread to the immediate vicinity.

For the cockroach to live in the best possible conditions, constant temperatures are required, so that they can only be found in houses and apartments. Well-warmed parlors ensure comfortable temperatures above 20 degrees, so that kitchen waste, food leftovers and water in the kitchen round off the offer.

The average life expectancy is 100 to 200 days, so that the females lay up to 8 egg packets (oothecae) ​​in the same period, which means about 400 offspring.

The development from egg to full-grown sexually mature animal can be completed after 40 days at optimal temperatures and food sources.

The cockroach is an omnivore and can go up to 4 weeks without food. In contrast to the German cockroach, the oriental cockroach, also known colloquially as the cockroach, is the largest species of cockroach found in German households (approx. 30 mm) and, with a speed of approx. 1.5m/second, is also the fastest crawling insect.

Danger from cockroaches

Cockroaches can transmit a variety of dangerous diseases to humans, such as hepatitis A, tuberculosis, salmonellosis, typhus, dysentery, mold spores or worm parasites.

In addition, the excretions of the cockroach can trigger eczema and asthma, especially in children, the elderly or people with a weakened immune system, so the cockroach can be classified as dangerous for us humans.

Once the insects have nested in you, you can no longer get rid of them without professional help. If individual specimens can already be seen during the day, the pest infestation is usually very advanced. It is estimated that for every visible cockroach there are up to 200 others in the immediate vicinity.

It is therefore important to react quickly and consult an certified pest controller.

We are happy to advise you.



Our mission is your satisfaction. We attach great importance to high-quality pest control with the most effective state-of-the-art solutions.

Appearance and characteristics of mice

Some keep them as cute pets. Most are disgusted by mice. Rightly so, because the brown-grey balls of fur can grow up to 10 cm long and are not really tame animals to pet.

Danger from mice

The rodents destroy walls, beams and objects in the house and garden. They are also a threat to human health, as pathogenic viruses are transmitted through their faeces, urine and saliva. In dangerous situations, they bite, which can lead to blood poisoning and serious infections. Therefore: Stay away from cheap mouse traps. Rodents must be removed professionally - for your safety and permanent freedom from pests.


The rodents destroy walls, beams and objects in the house and garden. They are also a threat to human health because of their feces.

We are happy to advise you.



Moths themselves do not pose a threat to humans or animals. However, their larvae can damage textiles, food and other objects and render inedible food inedible.

Appearance and characteristics of moths

Moths have a wingspan of 10-15 mm. They are light yellow to dark brown and lay eggs in nests. Moth eggs are often not immediately recognizable. We will find the nests of the pests for you and remove all infested objects and food completely.

Moths are small, winged insects that are part of the Lepidoptera family. They have a foldable body and usually brown, gray, or white wings equipped with hairy antennae and two pairs of feet. Moths lay their eggs on plant materials and their caterpillars feed on them. As adults, moths feed on nectar and pollen. Some moth species can appear as agricultural or household pests, as they can infest textiles, supplies and greenhouses.

Danger from moths

In addition, a moth infestation can cause unpleasant odors, so in some cases it is necessary to clean or disinfect the room to eliminate the infestation.

It is important to keep things tidy and store food in airtight containers on a regular basis to avoid moth infestation. If an infestation has already taken place, various measures can be taken to get rid of the moths, such as hanging moth traps or cleaning and disinfecting the affected area.

We are happy to advise you.



Our mission is your satisfaction. We attach great importance to high-quality pest control with the most effective state-of-the-art solutions.

Appearance and characteristics of mice

Some keep them as cute pets. Most are disgusted by mice. Rightly so, because the brown-grey balls of fur can grow up to 10 cm long and are not really tame animals to pet.

Danger from mice

The rodents destroy walls, beams and objects in the house and garden. They are also a threat to human health, as pathogenic viruses are transmitted through their faeces, urine and saliva. In dangerous situations, they bite, which can lead to blood poisoning and serious infections. Therefore: Stay away from cheap mouse traps. Rodents must be removed professionally - for your safety and permanent freedom from pests.


The rodents destroy walls, beams and objects in the house and garden. They are also a threat to human health because of their feces.

We are happy to advise you.



Fleas: Threats to Humans and Pets - What you need to know.

Appearance and characteristics of fleas

Fleas - small but dangerous insects that pose a threat to humans and pets.

With a length of 2 to 3.5 mm, they have a compact physique, long legs and an elongated shape. Fleas are known for their quick and dexterous movement and powerful leap, which helps them move quickly from host to host.

Fleas have a sharp, curved beak that allows them to pierce their host's skin and suck blood. This leads to unpleasant symptoms such as itching, pain and inflammation. Fleas can also transmit diseases by introducing bacteria or parasites to their host.

Fleas are adaptable insects that can travel great distances to find a host. They prefer warm and humid environments and can reproduce quickly once they find a suitable environment and host.

It is therefore important to take immediate action to prevent and treat a flea infection!

Danger from fleas

Fleas can pose a serious threat to humans and pets. Their sting can cause itching, pain, and inflammation.

Fleas can also transmit diseases such as the plague caused by Yersinia pestis or a dog tapeworm infection caused by Dipylidium caninum.

Cat and dog fleas can still transmit serious diseases such as typhus, polio, Lyme disease or swine fever.
To prevent and treat a flea infection, there are simple steps you can take:

1. Regular pet deworming and flea treatment.

2. Constant cleaning and disinfection of the living environment, especially carpets and textiles.

3. Avoiding contact with infected animals or environments.

4. Checking pets and clothing for fleas after contact with potentially infected areas.

5. Use of flea medications and insecticides under the guidance of a veterinarian (if necessary).

To minimize possible health problems for people and animals, it is important to act early and prevent flea infection.

Find out now about the threat of fleas and how to protect yourself and your pets.

We are happy to advise you.



In the summer, ants can invade homes and kitchens in search of food, often appearing in large numbers.

Appearance and characteristics of ants.

Ants are at least as old as humanity itself. Over 10,000 different ant species are known worldwide, with around 100 of them found in Germany. Depending on the species, ants in Germany can range from 2 to 7 mm in size and are typically red, brown, or black. Ants, in general, are characterized by their remarkable social behavior within their colonies, such as their division of labor.
Therefore, the ant is a wonder of nature and also a diligent gardener. It can carry up to 7 times its own body weight, mixes forest and soil, and contributes to the rapid decay of animal carcasses and dead wood.
Ants have a highly developed sense of smell that helps them identify their own kind as well as locate food. A scout ant marks the path from the nest to a discovered food source with a scent trail, which the nest mates follow, thus creating an ant trail. In the summer, they feed mainly on sugar and protein-rich substances such as honeydew.
Therefore, AntiPest GmbH fights its ants with contact insecticides and feeding baits. There are differences in control methods depending on the genus.

Danger from ants

In general, ants love food of all kinds, sometimes destroying wood and ruthlessly eating their way through gardens and buildings. Their nests are in piles of dirt outside. This not only looks ugly, but can also be dangerous in individual cases if terrace slabs or steps are loosened as a result. They also spray formic acid, which burns painfully on human skin and causes rashes.

We are happy to advise you.


Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are followers of civilization and are considered classical parasites.

Appearance and characteristics of bed bugs

The bed bug (Latin name: Cimex lectularius) is a reddish-brown, flightless bug from the family Cimicidae.

During the day, bed bugs hide in dry, dark, and protected places such as crevices, cracks, or in clothing and mattress folds. As adults, they can reach a body length of about 4.5 to 8 mm. The larvae are straw-yellow or transparent and are usually only recognizable by professionals. They are dependent on feeding on humans or animals and can therefore only exist in human settlements, which is why they are considered a human-made pest.

To avoid bed bugs, one should inspect suspicious areas and act quickly in case of an infestation, for example, through professional cleaning and expert treatment.

Danger from bed bugs

Bed bugs are small, flat insects that live in beds and other furniture, and are active at night.

They feed on blood, usually human blood. While bed bugs do not pose a direct threat to human health, their bites can cause itching and allergic reactions.

However, it is important to get rid of them quickly as they can reproduce very rapidly. Bed bugs are attracted to human CO2 emissions, body heat, and human scent. They then search for suitable biting sites on the human body, often leaving multiple bites in a straight line, known as a "bed bug trail." A single bite is not usually felt, and symptoms may not appear until several days later. Bed bugs inject saliva when they bite, which causes itching and welts at the site of the bite. After feeding, they retreat to their hiding places, molt their skin, and reproduce.

During their approximately six-month lifespan, a female bed bug can lay up to 150 eggs. They typically attempt to feed on blood at least once a week and remain near their host at all times.

We are happy to advise you.



Flies can pose a significant threat to health and hygiene.

Flies land on animal feces, carcasses, or garbage on a daily basis, and as a result, they can carry dangerous dirt and bacteria into the house.

Appearance and characteristics of flies.

Flies are small, flying insects with two wings and a stout body. They have a size of about 4-10 mm and can vary in a variety of colors and patterns, from black to brown and from smooth to hairy.

One of the most striking features of flies is their fast and uncoordinated flight, which often sets them apart from other insects. Additionally, they literally love every kind of filth. Almost anything attracts them: crumbs, fruit, compost, and beverages. Whether it is still good or spoiled does not matter to them.

They are attractive animals and can appear in large swarms when they discover a source of food. The fly has an exceptionally good sense of smell, which it uses to locate its food. These pests simply fly to everything!

It's important to note that flies are very fast and adaptable, and can reproduce quickly given access to adequate food and water.

As an certified pest control company, we can help you find a comprehensive solution to your fly problem, so you can have a safe and hygienic home or business.

Danger from Flies

As an certified pest control company, we know how important it is to control the population and prevent them from spreading in our homes and buildings.

Flies can transfer germs and bacteria to our food, surfaces and bodies, which can lead to illness and infection. Especially in areas where food is produced and processed, it is important to control the fly population to avoid transmission of pathogens.

Flies can also be a nuisance and a nuisance, especially in areas of high human activity such as kitchens, dining rooms and recreation areas.

Our team of certified pest controllers is experienced in dealing with flies and can help you find a comprehensive solution to the fly problem.

We only use safe and effective methods to control the fly population and ensure your home or business stays hygienic and safe.

So contact us today for a non-binding consultation and we will be happy to help you rid your home or business of annoying flies.

We are happy to advise you.
